Sunday, May 26, 2013

Oh to be a Yogi

So who are my yogi yoga buddies? Who loves Yoga? Who does it and has success with it. I've tried it a few times, with no success at all. One time I tried a HOT Yoga class and nearly passed out from the heat. Another class had so much up and down and up and down from the floor to standing, that I got dizzy and felt ridiculous. I've often said I think I'm too fluffy for yoga, lol. 

However; I just spent a ridiculous amount of time on Pinterest and found all sorts of yoga articles and how they claim that various yoga poses can solve a myriad of problems from stress, to anger, to depression, to weight loss, to skin problems ... they even had yoga solutions for growing longer hair and glowing skin. Some that peaked my interest were those that claim to help alleviate lower back pain, neck pain and migraines. So is this all hogwash hooey or is there some validity to it? 

I am so uncoordinated, and still fluffy, not too sure I'm yoga material ... but that is probably just my insecurity showing colors. 

I think I am going to investigate this further and try out some different yoga classes. In case anyone is interested, here is a link to my Yoga board on Pinterest. 

I would love thoughts and input! 

As always, make champion choices, 


  1. Yoga will give you a very good awareness of your body, how it connects, how it FEEEEELLLLSSSSSSSS. Trust me when I say you DO bury feelings in your body, and yoga dredges them up. Anyone who says yoga is about love and happiness hasn't done very much. It's about anger, hatred, and darkness as much as love, and kindness, and light. As for the skin problems, no. I have psoriasis and have practiced yoga since I was 3. Headaches and migraines, maybe, if it was a musco-skeletal problem. Yoga can help with that by improving posture, and just generally becoming AWARE. As for not being yoga material, look up Baba Ram Dev, the most popular yogi in India. Very different from the skinny contortionists claiming to be yogis here. Still a contortionist but hardly skinny:)

  2. My old gym had a beginners yoga class that I just loved! I don't do so good with the head-standing, heat-inducing, or swinging-from-the-ceiling types of exercise. Thank you, but four on the floor and fully upright are more my speed. I am wondering if you could find such a class at a local yoga studio?

  3. there are so many varieties of yoga, and then the instructors, too, make a huge difference. you really do have to try a number of classes before you find the one! once you do, though, you'll wonder how you did without it in your regimen.
    good luck! muah!

  4. I have been doing yoga for years, off and on. I wouldn't consider myself a yogi but have tried a variety of styles. I don't do the hot yoga thing (makes me light headed) and if you stand up too fast, same thing. I'd say to try a few more styles and if you still don't like it, don't worry about it! It might not be for you. If you want ideas, I enjoy the Giaim DVDs with Rodney Yee as the instructor. I especially like the AM yoga DVD!
