Monday, March 3, 2014

40 Days of Lent 2014

I will be following this list for the 40 Days of Lent this year.  Ash Wednesday is this week, March 5th.

Lent 2014

Day 1: Pray for your enemies
Day 2: Eliminate all social media for one hour (or more)
Day 3: Perform a random act of kindness
Day 4: Give $10 to a non-profit of your choosing
Day 5: Forgive someone, even if it is yourself
Day 6: Look out the window until you find something of beauty you had not noticed before
Day 7: Tell someone what you are thankful for
Day 8: No complaining all day
Day 9: Read John 8:1-11 
Day 10: Call a friend on the phone
Day 11: Check out morning and evening prayer at The Daily Office
Day 12: Pray the Paper (pray for people and situations in today’s news)
Day 13: Read Psalm 139
Day 14: Pay a few sincere compliments to strangers
Day 15: Do not use your SmartPhone or cell phone while in your vehicle
Day 16: Educate yourself about Spiritual Strongholds (Pray for revelation)  
Day 17: Take 5 minutes of silence at noon
Day 18: Pray for your nation’s leaders and your nation’s enemies
Day 19: Write a hand written thank you note and send to someone who deserves it
Day 20: Do not eat out anywhere today
Day 21: Ask for help
Day 22: Give 5 or more items of clothing to charity
Day 23: Introduce yourself to a neighbor (If no neighbors, then a stranger)
Day 24: Read Psalm 121
Day 25: Pray for God to reveal sin your life that you are unaware about
Day 26: Donate 5 or more items to a food pantry/bank
Day 27: Walk into every room of your home and Pray for God to bless every inch
Day 28: Be mindful of your language; do not curse, swear or speak ill of another; do not gossip
Day 29: Write a thank you note to a Veteran
Day 30: Invest in re-usable shopping bags
Day 31: Pray for peace
Day 32: Donate supplies or books to a local school
Day 33: Do someone else’s chore
Day 34: Walk in nature and look for beauty; pray for God to reveal more beauty in your life
Day 35: Pray for the future or current spouses of your children, if no children, pray for others
Day 36: No added or artificial sugar today – where else is there sweetness in your life?
Day 37: Give someone an unexpected gift
Day 38: Educate yourself about volunteer opportunities in your community
Day 39: Share with someone a lesson that God has taught you

Day 40: Write out 40 ways in which God has blessed you during your lifetime       


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